Decolonizing Social Work Circle in the Nordic Summer University
I am excited to be coordinating a Nordic study circle on decolonizing social work on 9-10 May 2022 at the University of Helsinki. The circle is an opportunity to participate in a caring, critical discussion of social justice issues and professional practice with students, community members, service users, academics, knowledge keepers, and practitioners in a safe environment of guided self-care and trust. We invite academics, practitioners, community members, knowledge keepers, students, and other interested people to join us at in this study circle to collaboratively practice community-centered, trusting, and transparent conversations on what decolonizing social work could mean in a Nordic setting. The circle is funded by the Nordic Summer School: an independent, academic institution, which organizes symposia that draws international participants across disciplines in the Nordic and Baltic regions.
The event will take place in person and there are limited spaces (sign up is via email to Further information is available here
Nordic Circle – Decolonizing Social Work
9-10 May 2022
University of Helsinki, Finland
Kris Clarke, PhD, Associate Professor, organizer (
Organizing committee
Coordinator: Kris Clarke, PhD (University of Helsinki)
University of Malmö, Sweden
Michael Wallengren Lynch, Ph.D, Lecturer, Social Work
University of East Anglia, UK
Ann Anka, Associate Professor in Social Work,
University of Sussex, UK
Henglien Lisa Chen, Ph.D, Senior Lecturer, Social Work
Sapir College, Israel
Einav Segev, Ph.D, Senior Lecturer, School of Social Work
Nuzha Allassad Alhuzail, Ph.D, Senior Lecturer, School of Social Work,
Flinders University, Australia
Luke Cantley (key contact), College Education, Psychology and Social Work, Flinders University
Dr Michelle Jones, College Education, Psychology and Social Work, Flinders University
Dr Carmela Bastian, College Education, Psychology and Social Work, Flinders University
9 May 2022
8.00-9.30 Welcome to the land - Indigenous opening streamed in from Flinders University, Australia (takes place outside) Facilitators: Luke Cantley,
Dr Michelle Jones, Dr Carmela Bastian.
9.30-10.00 Break and travel to university premises
10.00-10.15 Opening meditation (Janet Park)
10.15- 11.00 Opening the discussion: exercises to move around in small groups brainstorming thoughts and feelings about how colonization has played a role in our lives. (Facilitators: Ann and Kris)
11.00-11.30 Debrief – talking circle (Facilitator: Lisa & Michael)
11.30-11.45 Break
11.45-13.00 Activity led by Helsinki PhD students
13.00-14.00 Lunch
14.00-16.00 Afternoon session: sharing on historical trauma and conflict (facilitated by Nuzha Allassad Alhuzail & Einav Segev who also share their work on conflict in Israel-Palestine)
16.00-16.30 Debrief – talking circle (Facilitators: Lisa and Michael)
10 May 2022
9.00-9.15 Opening meditation (Einav)
9.15-11.00 Session on remedying historical wrongs and the significance of social justice in our lives and work: Bedouin perspectives facilitated by Nuzha Allassad Alhuzail)
11.00-11.15 Break
11.15-12.00 Activity led by performance artist Janet Park
12.00-13.00 Discussion of text Confronting professional imperialism and moving towards integrative healing (by Clarke & Yellow Bird) in groups led by Lisa, Michael, Ann, & Kris
12.00-13.00 Lunch
13.00-15.00 Guided discussion on decolonizing social work: what could it mean and what directions should be future steps? Discussion of the three-year application. Led by Einav Segev & Kris Clarke (Reading: Le Grange: (Individual) Responsibility in decolonising the university curriculum & outline of application)
15.00-16.00 Final reflections – talking circle