Selected peer-reviewed publications
Sawyer, Lena and Clarke, Kris (2025). Local memory, city walking, and exploring walking social work pedagogies in Fresno, California and Gothenburg, Sweden. Journal of Teaching in Social Work. 45(1), 105–124.
Clarke, Kris & Forbes, Kathryn (2024). Forward: Transformative reproductive justice futures: Decolonial, feminist, and lesbian theorizations on reproductive justice futures. Journal of Lesbian Studies, 1-7.
Forbes, Kathryn and Clarke, Kris (2023) Policing the Park: Sex Panic and Policymaking in Fresno, California. lambda nordica. 28 (4), 19-45.
KC, Smarika, Clarke, Kris & Seppänen, Marjaana. (2023). ‘If I Count Everything That Is Against Me. It Is My Colour. It Is That I Am a Woman’: Exploring the Lived Experiences of Racialised Older Migrant Women in Finland. The British Journal of Social Work, bcad178.
KC, Smarika, Clarke, Kris, & Seppänen, Marjaana. (2023). A Scoping Review on Ageing Migrants in Finland through the Lens of Intersectionality and Vulnerability. Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 13(3), 1-18.
Clarke, Kris (2022) Reimagining Social Work Ancestry: Toward Epistemic Decolonization. Affilia: Feminist Inquiry in Social Work. 37(2), 266–278.
Clarke, Kris (2021) Addressing Systemic Racial Injustice in the United States from the War on Poverty to Social Enterprise to Black Lives Matter. Journal of Social Policy Studies. 19 (1), 143-154.
Clarke, Kris; Harris, Debra; Zweifler, John; Lasher, Marc, Mortimer, Roger; Hughes, Susan (2016) The Significance of Harm Reduction as a Social and Health Care Intervention for Injecting Drug Users: An Exploratory Study of a Needle Exchange Program in Fresno, California. Social Work in Public Health. (5): 398-407.
Clarke, Kris (2015) The Case of a Needle Exchange Policy Debate in Fresno, California. Critical Social Policy. 36 (2), 1-18.
Shapiro, Martin; Anderson, Lisa; and Clarke, Kris (2015) Creating Courses about Global Forces: Global Challenges and General Education. E-Journal of Public Affairs. 4 (1).
Clarke, Kris (2014) “And Then All of the Sudden, You’re Still Here with Bad Finnish”: North American Women’s Narratives of Cultural Adjustment in Finland. Journal of Finnish Studies. 17 (1 &2), 42-66.
Lee, Kham Yang and Clarke, Kris (2013) The Significance of Social Memory in 1.5 Generation Hmong-Americans: Implications for Culturally Competent Social Work Practice. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Diversity in Social Work. 22, (2), 162-177.
Clarke, Kris (2011) Migrants and the Emerging HIV Epidemic in Finland in the 1980s-1990s. Nordic Journal of Migration Research, 1, (3), 137-145.
Clarke, Kris (2011) The Paradoxical Approach to Intimate Partner Violence in Finland. International Perspectives in Victimology, 6, (1), 9-19.
Hernandez, Virginia Rondero; Montana, Salvador; and Clarke, Kris (2010) Child Health Inequality: Framing a Social Work Response. Health and Social Work, 25, (4), 291-301.
Clarke, Kris (2009) Negotiating Migrant Community Needs through Social Work Research: A Finnish Example. Qualitative Social Work Research, 8, (4), 8-27.
Anand, Janet and Clarke, Kris (2009) Crossing Borders through Cyberspace: A Discussion of an Internet Social Work Education Exchange Pilot Project across the Atlantic. Social Work Education, 28, (6), 579-582.
Clarke, Kris (2005) Critical, Multicultural Education for Remembering and Reconciliation: A Discussion of an Interdisciplinary Social Science Course for International Students in Finland. Compare. British Association for International and Comparative Education, 35, (4), 479-494.
Clarke, Kris (2004) Invisible in Plain Sight – Cultural Diversity in Finnish Multicultural Social Care Education. Nordisk Sosialt Arbeid, 24, (1), 124-137.
Clarke, Kris (2004) “Sisällä ja ulkona: maahanmuuttajien yhteisötutkimus.” [Inside and Out: Immigrants in Community Research] Yhteiskuntapolitiikka 6/2004, 630-641.
Clarke, Kris (2002) Policying Silence, Practicing Invisibility: Migrants Living with HIV/AIDS in Finland. Social Work in Europe, 9, (3), 20-27.
Books and monographs
Clarke, K., Lee-Oliver, L., Ranta-Tyrkkö, S. (2024). Decolonising Social Work in Finland: Racialisation and Practices of Care (1st ed.). Policy Press.
Clarke, Kris & Yellow Bird, Michael (2020) Decolonizing Pathways to Integrative Healing in Social Work. London: Routledge.
Clarke, Kris (1999) The Bounds of Bifurcation: The Challenge of Multiculturalism in Finnish Vocational Social Care Education. Tampere: University of Tampere Press, Research Reports, Series A, No. 7.
Book chapters
Clarke, Kris and Blell, M. (in press) 'Haunting, Abolition and Finish Child Welfare', in I. Hyslop and B. Pease (eds.) Abolition in Social Work and Human Services: Visions, Possibilities and Challenges, Bristol: Policy Press.
Clarke, K., Lee-Oliver, L., Ranta-Tyrkkö, S. (2024) Introduction. In Decolonising Social Work in Finland (pp. 1-31). Policy Press.
Dayib, F., & Clarke, K. (2024). Transcultural Mental Health as the Colonisation of Racialised Bodies: A Personal Insight. In Decolonising Social Work in Finland (pp. 161-181). Policy Press.
K. C., S., Osei, P., & Clarke, K. (2024). Intersectional Knowledge Practices in Academia from Marginal Positions: Testimonios from Researchers of Colour in Finland. In Decolonising Social Work in Finland (pp. 195-214). Policy Press.
Sawyer, L., Clarke, K., & Osei-Kofi, N. (2024). Counter-archiving as a Decolonial Pedagogy of Collective Care. In Decolonising Social Work in Finland (pp. 217-236). Policy Press.
Clarke, K. (2024). The Japanese-American Photo Project: Exploring Hidden Local Histories in Learning Social Work Macro Practice through Participatory Action Research. In Sage Research Methods: Diversifying and Decolonizing Research. Sage.
Clarke, Kris (2023). Challenging Coloniality in Social Work Theorizations on Human Rights. In Decolonized Approaches to Human Rights and Social Work (pp. 177-185). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Clarke, Kris & Manté Vertelyté (2023) Educational Challenges for Nordic Exceptionalism: Epistemic Injustice in the Absence of Antiracist Education. In Transforming Identities in Contemporary Europe. (Edited by Elisabeth L. Engebretsen and Mia Liinason). Routledge.
Clarke, Kris (2019) Kettleman City. In Koenig, TL, Spano, R.,& Thompson, JB. Human Behavior Theory for Social Work Practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Clarke, Kris (2007) “Critical Intercultural Pedagogy in Reconciliation Education: A Finnish Example.” Conflict and Reconciliation: Education in the 21st Century. (Edited by Fiona Leach and Máiréad Dunne, University of Sussex). London: Peter Lang Publishers.
Clarke, Kris (2006) “Emerging Cultural Diversity in the Nordic Welfare State.” Aspects of Intercultural Dialogue: Theory, Research, Applications. (Edited by Nancy Aalto and Ewald Reuter) Cologne, Germany: Saxa Press.
Edited reports
Clarke, Kris (ed.) (2005) The Problematics of Well-Being: Experiences and Expectations of New Finns in the Finnish Welfare State. Tampere: University of Tampere Press, Research Reports, Series A, No. 9. [Finnish translation by Aijaleena Ahonen available on the internet tutkimus/hyvprob.htm]
Clarke, Kris (ed.) (2003) Welfare Research into Marginal Communities: Insider Perspectives on Health and Social Care. Tampere: University of Tampere Press, Research Reports, Series A, No. 8. [Finnish translation by Aijaleena Ahonen available on the internet:] Clarke, Kris and Pösö, Tarja (eds.) (2001) African Communities in Northern Europe: Qualitative Studies on Community Understandings of HIV/AIDS. Amsterdam: Netherlands Institute for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention.
Bröring, Georg and Clarke, Kris (eds.) (2000) HIV/AIDS and STD Care and Support for Migrant and Ethnic Minority Communities. Amsterdam: Netherlands Institute for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention.
Other scientific articles
Clarke, Kris (2006) “HIV/AIDS as a Transnational Health Care Issue: Migrants in the European Union.” Siirtolaisuus-Migration. Institute of Migration, Turku. 1/2006, 11-14.
Clarke, Kris (2003) “Finland Country Report 2003.” In Access to Care: Privilege or Right? Migration and HIV Vulnerability in Europe. Amsterdam: Netherlands Institute for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention.
Clarke, Kris (2002) “Kulturell kompetens och demokrati -- en utmaning för socialarbetet.” [Cultural Competence – A Challenge for Social Work] In Nordisk Sosialt Arbeid, 22, (4), 234-237. Clarke, Kris (1998) "Finnish Country Report" in AIDS and STDs and Migrants, Ethnic Minorities and Other Mobile Groups; The State of Affairs in Europe. (de Putter, Jeanette editor) Amsterdam: Netherlands Institute for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention.